Sustainability Planning

Active Plans

UC Berkeley Sustainability Plan (2020)

UC Berkeley Sustainability Plan sets out a wide-range of interwoven goals and strategies. The plan offers a framework for accelerating both the decarbonization of our energy use and the smarter use of resources; for advancing the connections between health, equity, and sustainability; and for deepening campus environmental engagement and learning. This intersectional plan also connects to and informs campus land use and administrative initiatives. 

UC Berkeley Sustainability Plan Core Areas- graphic

Berkeley Clean Energy Campus - Integrated Resource & Activation Plan 

The Integrated Resource and Activation Plan (IRAP) is a study  to prepare for design and construction of a new clean energy system that will transform the Berkeley campus into an electrified and renewable energy microgrid that largely eliminates fossil fuel combustion and related on-campus carbon emissions. The IRAP includes technical and financial strategy review, deep stakeholder and expert consultation, and living-lab engagement.

UC Berkeley Resilient Water Plan (2023)

The resilient water plan provides frameworks, planning and design guidance on water use and water related green infrastructure. The plan has two primary components a Sustainable Water Plan to address potable water-use reduction and recycled water strategies and the Stormwater and Green Infrastructure Plan with a focus on large-scale treatment areas on campus. 

2025 Carbon Neutrality Planning Framework (2016)

This framework provides an overview of Berkeley’s greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) profile over the next eight years and offers early guidance for Berkeley’s path to decarbonization in scopes 1 and 2.  Expanding on Berkeley’s early success in GHG reductions from campus operations, this framework identifies the opportunities, challenges, and high-level strategy approaches the campus can undertake to both reduce and decarbonize building and fleet energy use. 

Green Labs Action Plan (2020)

The Green Labs  Action Plan aims to improve sustainable practices within research and teaching labs on campus with the goal to incorporate the use of water reduction, waste elimination and energy saving technology, along with actions and procurement strategies for researchers, instructors, and lab spaces. 

Zero Waste Plan (2019)

The Zero Waste Plan offers a summary of key zero waste efforts and data and outlines  a multi-layered strategy focusing on installing standardized bins and infrastructure; educating the campus community about the proper sorting of materials; reusing, repairing and re-circulating usable materials; and, upgrading the procurement process to minimize waste. Resilient Water Plan (coming soon)

UC Berkeley's primary physical planning documents that include sustainability, mobility and resiliency: Long Range Development Plan (LRDP), Campus Master Plan, and Physical Design Framework.

UC Berkeley Sustainable Building Standards Summary (2024). The campus design standards and physical design frameworks support green building program. 

Historic or Retired Plans

Updated July 2023

Campus Initiatives

   Built Environment

   Land Use
   Academics & Learning
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