The Office of Sustainability and Energy is excited to announce the latest member of the green department family to recertify their efforts: the University Health Services (UHS) – Tang Center. Originally certified in 2012, the UHS Tang Center has spent the past two years focusing their environmental efforts on waste and energy reduction. Students and faculty alike have been positively influenced by the UHS - Tang Center’s environmental efforts, especially through the concrete transition from paper medical records to electronic records.
With roughly 320 staff members, the UHS Tang Center is now one of the largest departments to achieve green department certification. On top of electronic medical records, the department successfully installed an energy efficient roof overlay, replaced battery fed paper towel dispensers with manual dispensers, and provides employees the option to purchase local fruit and vegetable boxes. The Green Team at the UHS Tang Center, including Laura Midgal, Richard Padilla, and Mary Popylisen, achieved a total of 22 innovation points, which leaves them second in the running for the most innovative green department of the year. The team plans to implement more sustainable practices as the year goes on. The Office of Sustainability would like to congratulate the UHS Tang Center for yet another year of commemorative work toward environmental awareness. For more information about how to certify your department or event as green, visit our green certification page.