September 12, 2019

Berkeley is pledging for clean air and when it comes to air pollution, we can all do our part to improve air quality and protect public health. In a state with some of the worst air pollution in the United States, it is imperative that we do. California Clean Air Day is built on the idea that shared experiences unite people to action to improve our community health and the health of the planet. By joining together for a unified day of action we can create new habits to clear the air for all members of California’s diverse communities.
Join thousands of others across California on October 2nd in the 2019 Clean Air Day of action. More than 1,000,000 actions have been pledged to date.
The simple pledge offers 16 options that individuals can take, with well over 94% choosing to reduce vehicle emissions, the number one item Californians have pledged to do.So, please join Californians across the State as we plant trees, carpool or take public transit, consolidate on-line orders to reduce delivery related pollution, or go really big and trade in your old gas guzzler for an electric vehicle! Pledge today and include the UCB code! Read more about Clean Air Day here.