This year Berkeley will install 1MW of Solar PV
Installations are underway at five campus sites.
Solar PV systems at MKL Student Union, Eshleman, Recreation Sports, and University Village are under construction and are slated to be operational by the end of the calendar year. Through a collaborative, competitive procurement strategy with 19 other public agencies in the region, led by the Alameda County General Services division, Berkeley secured very favorable pricing for these three rooftop and one canopy/carport installations – 25-40% below market rate. In aggregate these systems will bring cost savings in year one to the campus. The solar will be installed by a purchase power agreement (PPA) - the vendor is covering the costs of installation and operating and maintaining the systems, and Berkeley will pay for the power they generate. Learn more about the regional renewable energy procurement program.
Solar Highlights:
-The rooftop solar panels on MLK Student Union replace (and expand) an older less productive system. The solar array on new the Eshleman Hall will add even more green power to the Lower Sproul complex. Together these two systems is will produce 170,000 kWh solar electricity for the buildings.
-Recreation Sports large field house roof offers space for an array that will produce 312,000 kWh of solar power, providing close to one-third of the buildings electricity needs.
-The University Village carport solar system will produce 740,000 kWh of carbon-free solar electricity each year, providing 20% of the power needs of the village.
The fifth site for solar is at Jacobs Hall, the new campus building for design innovation in engineering. As part of the project, this building will go live with rooftop solar arrays installed by Sungevity. This system features translucent solar panels that not only produce electricity but are an architectural feature. Learn more about Sungevity’s partnership with Berkeley and the associated program that can bring solar to your home.
For more information about campus solar contact Kira Stoll,