Saving Energy during Winter Curtailment

December 8, 2017

Did you know that during this year’s winter curtailment the Campus Energy Office anticipates energy reductions to save over $100,000? Help us do more!

Heating and ventilation will be curtailed on the Berkeley campus during the period from the end of the business day Friday, December 22, 2017 through Monday, January 1, 2018. Given that normal electric service is maintained at all times, it is essential to turn off and unplug appliances before leaving. The last person present in a given office, residence, or building is encouraged to follow this checklist below to ensure we waste as little electricity as possible.

Curtailment Checklist:


  • Monitors, printers, copy machines
  • Coffee pots, microwaves, toaster ovens, and other small appliances
  • Non-essential equipment and powerstrips

Switch-off Lights

  • Office
  • Hallway
  • Conference Room
  • Bathroom
  • Residence Hall Room
  • Task Lamps

Make sure to close windows and hand-operated radiators valves (if you have them). 

Learn more at Labs and research buildings are encouraged to participate in energy curtailment – please contact Bruce Chamberlain in the Energy Office at to discuss options. Units interested in curtailing energy for a longer period of time are also welcome to contact the Energy Office to find out how.