Cool Campus Challenge Carbon Heroes Anne and Barb want you to Sign Up and Pledge to Keep the Lights Out!

November 19, 2015

Berkeley staff members Anne Stinson and Barbara Evans - coworkers,  office mates in the A&E Building for 20+ years, and Cool UCB Real Estate Team Members - share how they lower their carbon footprint on campus, at home, and in the commute in between. Both Anne and Barbara are translating their passion for carbon neutrality into leadership in the Cool Campus Challenge

Barb's “primary motivation for joining the Challenge was to illustrate what their office already does to reduce carbon emissions - and to learn what else we can do”.  

Anne claims of her office mate (and carbon hero):   "Barb Evans is a no-overhead-lights warrior. Barb has long fought for the right to KEEP THE LIGHTS OFF! Barb often can be seen patrolling the office hallways flipping switches to the OFF position in an effort to reduce our carbon footprint. Barb was in this fight before it became "cool". Kudos, Barb!"

Barb's commitment to keep lights off and use natural light in the office inspires Anne to carry out similar actions in her home. “I often leave my all-LED equipped home in lights off mode. I run the dishwasher every few days, purchase only energy-efficient appliances, and buy local. I also put in a good amount of effort instilling the same values in my teenagers”. 

And what did Anne's “somewhat competitive nature” mean when it comes to reducing carbon on her commute? “Daily biking to work in a ridiculous CalTrans-orange vest and sweatpants...rain or shine” she exclaims. 

For this tremendous effort, Barb calls Anne  “Without a doubt A&E's honorary queen of carbon reduction!”, but until they reach first place in the Challenge it remains lights out for A&E.

The Real Estate Team has 47 members with almost 249,000 carbon reducing points! Thank you, Barb and Anne, for your dedication to carbon neutrality!