
Choices you make about the equipment you buy can help you use less energy. For example, choosing Energy Star rated equipment can provide energy savings of up to 65%. Energy Star computers and monitors can go into a deep sleep mode, while copiers are designed to be 40% more energy efficient, run cooler, and last longer.

Buy Energy Efficient Equipment 
Look for Energy Star or EPEAT equipment when shopping BearBuy or see if the “Environmentally Preferred” list includes an option for the equipment you want to buy.

Choose a Laptop Instead of Desktop
Laptops can save up to 90% in electricity use compared to desktop models.

Upgrade CRT Monitors to LCDs
Save energy by buying a flat screen monitor for your desktop. An LCD monitor uses about 40% less power than a CRT.

Replace Old Refrigerators
New refrigerators on average use about half the energy of models from 1990. Use common area refrigerators and microwaves instead of personal ones.